Every Spring, the UW Science Expeditions are organized as a weekend of science activities around campus. Many UW science-related departments develop activities to share with the community. This year, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Science Expeditions were organized to be virtual with a mixture of “live” demonstrations and pre-recorded videos. The Medical Physics Outreach Committee submitted a pre-recorded video for the event which began by sharing the marvels of radiation with the viewer and concluded by leading the viewer through a do-it-yourself cloud chamber activity. Participation in the Science Expeditions would not have been possible without the generous time put in by Jeff Radtke of the Calibration Lab and community member Scott Zimmerman. The video can be found on the UW Science Expeditions YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/l_L5qvSM1UA. Written instructions and description of the DIY Cloud Chamber activity can be found here.